Last seen: Jul 18, 2019
Should be about the right time to watch it, the crowds should be dying down.
Endured enough of that myself, years my forum was dead but I still kept running it.
I'll keep an eye on what they are doing, but I wouldn't go out of my way to personally review them or give them a score on how they are doing.
It kind of depends on the level of harassment, but so long as they are following my site's rules then I wouldn't do a thing.
abuse of power, I'll admit I did owe someone who was being a bit abuse, I did tell them to stop it and they ignored me so I did end up banning them sa...
I have had a few paid staff in the past, but these days I try and go for free service ones. Kind of silly to pay them for a privilege really.
heh, I'll take that challenge 😛
yeah I've been there in tolerating a member type situation, nothing sucks more but you don't want to go taking the rules into your own hands. Even adm...
What is your most favorite game controller?
I think number 2 is kind of the big one, its when a lot of people that use something common that it can be hard to get ahead with it. Say a gaming for...
i'm stuck working since my workplace is open on the weekend and no one else really wants to work sadly.
from what I can tell looks like it is indeed gone.
Do you have any dreams that you would like to come true?