Domaining is the buying and selling of domain names - and it operates much like the real estate business.
Anyway, the first problem is finding domains that people will buy - and after that - another huge obstacle is getting the domain in-front of the rich, corporations etc. - known as end-users. Those people, of course, pay the top-dollar for the domains. However, though, if you have a domain worth a decent amount - you could still make a good business out of selling to re-sellers. I mean, you won't get as much as from end-users, but you can still make a killing - assuming you have enough domains.
O.K. who has actually gotten a domain in an end-user sell? What did you make? Myself, I'm rather new to the business - as far as being someone going in seriously.
I haven't sold any, though I got a few that I should see and what they would fetch. But I would think its easier to sell a name than a house.
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