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Admin Loop - What's to Come?

2 Posts
2 Users
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Jordan Howard
Posts: 4
Member Admin
99 Gold Loot
Topic starter

Admin Loop


I'm thrilled to announce an exciting new chapter for Admin Loop. A webmaster blog that has laid dormant for the last 4 years now has a new owner. I will be deeply committed to building upon the foundation that Ash had originally built, and taking the site to new heights. My aim is to provide even more value to website owners, administrators, and technicians through a host of exciting initiatives.


I'm committed to breathing new life into the Admin Loop blog by introducing a few new "series". Each series will focus on a topic in the webmaster niche, ranging from website optimization, website security, experience enhancements, to latest web development trends. My aim for Admin Loop will be your one-stop knowledge hub, providing you with practical guidance and valuable insights to help with your website administration duties. I have some experienced writers and industry experts already working on some great new content. I'll also be seeking additional talented writers should you be interested, and have the skill set. Be sure to send me a conversation!


Furthermore, I understand the importance of promoting a sense of community and collaboration, as well as giving back. Over the course of over a decade and a half of working with websites, I have obtained a wealth of resources that I need a place to call home. With that said, I'll be launching a newly revamped resource centre that will house a large collection of free materials, assets, tools, and website media. This new resource hub will be designed to assist you with your websites. I'll also be looking to hire additional developers, and graphic designers to continue this work. If you have the skills to create amazing work, reach out to us!


In addition to our blog, new resource centre, and forums, I will be launching a new newsletter. The new newsletter will serve as a direct line to connect with you, our community, and deliver insightful content, useful tips, and most importantly, exclusive resources not found on our website. What do you think I should call this newsletter? I'm thinking of calling the new newsletter "Admin Insider". Tell me what you think 🙂


I would like to express gratitude to Ash, for originally putting life into Admin Loop, and the community he built around it, as well as the users who used and trusted Admin Loop to provide thoughtful content and discussions.

Posted : 17/05/2023 10:14 pm
Posts: 1
New Member
25 Gold Loot

Congratulations Jordan, good luck with the site, I look forward to seeing it grow.

Posted : 23/05/2023 5:43 am
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