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Perks for VIPs

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I'm sure most forums nowadays look to have something like a 'VIP' or 'Sponsor' area to entice people to whack a few dollars in the pot and get a shiny username. I was just wondering what kind of perks you offer your VIPs (if you do!) and what is the reception to your perks?

For me, I offer them a secluded area away from the main index with relaxed rules, access to other resources, name style's and that generic kinda stuff but I'm struggling with what other things I might be able to add.

What do you think? What other perks would you love to get for your dollars?

Posted : 25/03/2019 3:47 pm
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Hahaha, to be honest iw as coming to this thread hoping to get some ideas myself.

I have yet to implement VIP in any of my projects. I don't think I'll ever will. I don't like much the idea of making some members feel they are missing out or that there are cliques, even without a system like that I've seen communities dividing people into veterans and newcomers and that is not very inclusive. So having a special group for people sponsoring the community with their donations would require some serious thinking.

From other communities, as a member, I like when the existence of VIP doesn't mean normal services get axed. Forums where you can't edit your posts, use a signature or stuff like that unless you are VIP really turn me off. VIP should offer perks, not what you can find in other communities for free.

I think a forum for them is a nice perk to make them feel pampered, but many times they don't get used that much unless you keep some sort of activity just for them or something that makes it different from other sections of your forum. It can get quite boring otherwise.

Posted : 27/03/2019 8:48 am
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I have VIPs on my site. For users that go above and beyond to help the site. Currently there is no paid VIP usergroup as it's only to reward members. I also don't have any extra special perks I keep other users from receiving. Would be a good idea to have a VIP and staff section only. And give VIPs the ability to speak in the staff section. I may add this later on. - Mind Piff Discussion Community

Posted : 27/03/2019 8:36 pm
Admin Vader
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Private forum, colored username, VIP badge, random raffle draw and discounts on merchandise are some of the things I've offered to my VIPs. I used to make it a recurring payment but I updated it to one-time. I found that more people purchased it that way but I may still add in a recurring subscription for the people who want to continue paying to support the site. 

Posted : 28/03/2019 1:28 am
Kaynil reacted
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I think in one of my previous communities I had a "founder" badge, which would be given to members who had been a part of any one of my communities before that. There were no perks other than that though..

I've never offered premium memberships, I haven't felt the need to do so.

Other perks I can think of though is increased space allowance for their PM inbox, and no adverts if you normally use them.

I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Posted : 29/03/2019 9:00 am
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Posted by: Admin Vader

Private forum, colored username, VIP badge, random raffle draw and discounts on merchandise are some of the things I've offered to my VIPs. I used to make it a recurring payment but I updated it to one-time. I found that more people purchased it that way but I may still add in a recurring subscription for the people who want to continue paying to support the site. 

Can I ask for some more information on the raffle/discounts side of things? Sounds like an interesting perk, one that I would actually like to enjoy myself if I was part of a forum as a paid sponsor. Do you look to partner up with companies to offer these discounts or do you self-fund these? What was the take up like when you swapped to a one-time model if I may ask? Would actually make sense but was it a profound difference or was it more of a small uplift for you? 

Posted : 11/04/2019 7:50 pm
Posts: 63
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Some of the things offered to my VIPs are private forum, colored username, VIP badge, random raffle draw and merchandise discounts. Thinking of more perks to offer to forum users can be tough but this discussion has definitely helped me. Thank you

Posted : 12/04/2019 1:35 pm
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