Last seen: Jul 18, 2019
what is your favorite kind of candy?
I think I do have some banners floating around to use, but they are rather dusty.
huh, never knew there wasn't a PM system. How would we go about contacting admins privately?
Do you tend to stay up late or get up early?
Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay here and learn some new things 🙂
In my experience, pure luck. Sure I've hit up forums, pleaded with people to spread our link but in the end it was luck and by chance of people findin...
Did you revamp/restart your site? I could have sworn it's been around a long time or am I thinking of another site?
far as I'm aware certain models can handle google play app and anything relating to that.
I think it can become a good tool for gaming in the far future, but right now its just not there yet.
I tried forum wheel, I got two people after a week and one was a spammer. So yeah, I wouldn't bother.
I wish I could get some of my site's posts to go viral, but sadly I don't have much luck in that area.
it's not bad, once you get the google play store on it though the device starts to open a bit more up.