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0 Gold Loot
Joined: Mar 10, 2019
Last seen: Jul 13, 2019
Topics: 9 / Replies: 22
RE: Is it worth buying IPB Community Forum?

I'm selling an IPS license with blog, gallery and a few others......looking for roughfy $300......savings are over $150 if you purchase through me. ๐Ÿ˜‰

6 years ago
RE: Dark, Light Themes - In-Between?

I've always offered a dark and light theme on my forum, sometimes I offer 3, a light, a dark and an in-between/mix of the two. That way there's someth...

6 years ago
RE: Does a ".com" make any difference?

I've had both .com and .net domains, I don't think it makes any difference to be honest. I've had successful communities on both .com's, .net's and ev...

6 years ago
RE: Why use premium software?

While I agree Skeith, when you use a service such as Jcink, that allows you to take backups of your database at will, you still technically have contr...

6 years ago
RE: User donations

I never thought about possibly setting up a patreon. I might look into doing that in the future. ๐Ÿ™‚

6 years ago
RE: Your Phone

I currently have an iPhone 8. I like it. It does what I need it to do and works well. The battery life is significantly better than previous iPhones t...

6 years ago
RE: Why use premium software?

Yeah. I would like to sell off my IP Suite license and one of the Xenforo licenses if possible, but i've been trying for awhile now to no avail.

6 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1035
RE: User donations

I've had donations on my forums for years, however, once my private server for PSO closed up shop due to lack of funds for it, donations completely ce...

6 years ago
RE: Do giveaways work to bring traffic on blog or forum?

From my experience, giveaways generally don't work all that often. It's a good idea but it's not always one that pans out well. People like freebies a...

6 years ago
RE: Streaming Services

My parents have Netflix and my brother has a Hulu subscription, so we have access to both major streaming platforms. I personally like the selection o...

6 years ago
RE: Is it worth buying IPB Community Forum?

I find IPB to be pretty expensive, I don't like the 6 month-license thing they got going on. While Xenforo is cheaper, I still find it to be a bit too...

6 years ago
RE: Why use premium software?

I own licenses for a few paid software solutions, Mainly Xenforo and IPB with a few add-ons. I ultimately decided to move away from paid software beca...

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1462
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