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Clear all - Where Great Communities Launch

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Passion and Strategy are the fuel for the next great community. We invite all forum enthusiasts, forum administrators and webmasters, and community builders to check out, a community focused on community management. All are welcome.

You'll find a refreshingly different take on building an online community. Yes, we have forums, but our topics are drawn from the best in community management trends and thought leadership that you won't find anywhere else.

🚀 Simple but Thoughful - You won't find tons of side accessories like forum battles, point economy, forum games, or server and domain discussions. What you will find is a focus on what matters: smart and interesting discussions based on disciplines from psychology, sociology, leadership, organizational theory, and community management.

🚀 Inspiring - We're here to help you build. This means that being supportive, motivating, and inspiring is ingrained into the very mission of the community.

🚀 Learning - We believe in learning from smarter ideas and people. We're home to (as far as we're aware) the world's largest community management dictionary with over 500 unique terms. We're home to over 100+ custom articles inspired by top organizations such as Harvard Business School and Feverbee. You'll find topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Innovation for Solopreneurs, and Personal Leadership.

🚀 Something Different - You're probably a member of every other forum admin site. If you're looking for something a little different that will push you beyond your comfort zone with new ideas and discussions that you won't find anywhere else, we invite you to give us a try.

We're here to help you launch a different and better kind of community. Growing a community is not easy, and we don't pretend to have all of the answers, but we are committed to learning alongside you through the ups and downs.

Posted : 09/10/2023 8:01 pm
Posts: 4
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What's New?

📰 Journals - We launched a new section in the Forums for users to post more long-form perspectives and insights, perfect for blog articles. Write your first Journal.

📰 Custom Reactions - We launched 6 reactions, designed to highlight three of the most common and universal expressions as well as three unique ones that are contextual to the community to learn, inspire, and passionately and respectfully discuss. Read more about our Reactions.

📰 Social Sign-In - It's now easier than ever before to register and log-in to Invisioneer with our support of popular email platforms of Google (Gmail), Apple (iCloud), and Microsoft (Hotmail and Outlook). Register now for free.

Share Your Thoughts

Here are 3 inspired discussions you won't find anywhere else, drawn from the best in community management trends:

  • Fear of Sounding Stupid - This is one of the reasons why your lurkers might not be responding. Are users afraid that they don't have anything valuable to add? How do we, through design or messaging, encourage and nudge users that their comments are welcome?
  • Do your users actually need a community solution? - You write blog articles, long-form articles, or in-depth research and guides. Published content is designed to be consumed, not to connect. So why are you building a community, which has a very different approach to solving solutions?
  • Why do you love your Swedish DIY furniture so much? - The IKEA effect is real. Learn why making your own furniture means you love it more than furniture that you buy. And build a community that users passionately care about.

Are you thinking about something right now about your community? Share it now and see what other passionate community leaders have to advise.

Be Inspired

"A boss has the title, a leader has the people." -American author and speaker Simon Sinek

My twist: "An admin has the server, but the community leader has the people."

Learn Something New

Here are 3 smart concepts for you to learn:

Posted : 09/10/2023 10:08 pm
Posts: 4
0 Gold Loot
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Share Your Thoughts

Here are 3 inspired discussions you won't find anywhere else, drawn from the best in community management trends:

  • Charged Up: Is Your Community's Trust Battery Full? - Learn what decisions (especially bad decisions) might deplete the trust battery, and join in the conversation of good actions to charge up your community's trust battery.
  • The Anti-Mentor - There are mentors: people that you admire and respect and follow as a role model. Then there are the anti-mentors: people who can still teach us incredibly valuable lessons by exemplifying all of the bad behaviors.
  • Deep Dive into IPS: Quickly Find the Most Helpful Answers - An indepth analysis on the new Helpful feature and some strategic tips on building a community on Invision Community 5.

Are you thinking about something right now about your community? Share it now and see what other passionate community leaders have to advise.

Learn Something New

Here are 3 smart concepts for you to learn:

Posted : 06/11/2023 9:50 pm
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