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Eminent Member
0 Gold Loot
Joined: Apr 14, 2019
Last seen: Apr 28, 2019
Topics: 4 / Replies: 26
6 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1244
6 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1337
RE: Measures against Adv Blocker

One forum I am on has it in their ToS that they track who uses adblockers as opposed to purchasing the block ads upgrade, and that the use of adblocke...

6 years ago
RE: What encourages you to join a new community?

That's a fair point- a community that is so small that it seems almost cliquey isn't fun. Another thing I forgot is the staff. I've left many forums j...

6 years ago
RE: People Stealing your graphics / descriptions / rules etc.

I've never stolen graphics nor has anyone stolen mine, I've just never been successful enough for that. I've never stolen rules, either, but I will ad...

6 years ago
RE: Choosing Staff Concern/Question

Thank you for your advice, I'm newer to the community, so I was really only aware of one of their projects, so bringing that to light is much apprecia...

6 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1117
RE: Pyramid Schemes

I've never really looked into Pyramid Schemes (they're illegal where I live) but upon further research I'm not sure I would like it (nor trust it) ver...

6 years ago
RE: Free Hosting - Pros and Cons

It makes sense to go with free hosting when you've just started up, it's a good way to test the water, see if your niche attracts attention, but when ...

6 years ago
RE: What encourages you to join a new community?

I prefer smaller communities because I feel like they're a lot more intimate and it's easier to meet people around. The forum itself also plays a huge...

6 years ago
RE: Candy

I'm big on fruit candies- sour patch, jolly ranchers, lemonheads, Warheads... all of it!

6 years ago
RE: New here

Thank you for all the welcomes!

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1344
RE: How did you find us?

Forum promotion 🤣

6 years ago
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