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Joined: Mar 13, 2019
Last seen: Jul 12, 2019
Topics: 20 / Replies: 56
RE: Posting Contest - $15 Reward

There's still plenty of time to win πŸ˜€ I didn't do my entry correct. Help?

6 years ago
RE: Relaxing

I go for walks to relax and there are some very pretty parks where I live that have streams and creeks running through them so it's very relaxing.

6 years ago
RE: Keep things clean?

I keep things clean because it's easier that way to just tidy up instead of trying to do it all at once like when someone's coming over or passengers ...

6 years ago
RE: Press Releases for marketing?

Press Releases are free πŸ™‚ I don't know much about UK newspapers but I do see press releases in the local papers in both areas where I've lived so I k...

6 years ago
RE: Your Phone

I have a really old Samsung S3. I don't use my phone for much since I'm home all the time and I did try a J3 but it wouldn't charge the battery so I s...

6 years ago
RE: Easter Plans?

I went to visit family for a week. It was nice to spend time with my mom who has cancer and I even spent 5 hours with her while she received her chemo...

6 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1019
RE: When might free advertising work?

When I was in the advertising business there was a saying that a person had to see your business name about 7 times before they would respond or be en...

6 years ago
RE: Helping other forums

I help out other forums by signing up and posting whenever I have the chance. That means I might not make it back to that place for a couple weeks but...

6 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 988
RE: Netflix

I thought Russian Doll was odd but held my interest and the lead actress is hilarious.

6 years ago
RE: When do you bring out the banhammer?

As in the OP, spammers at Christianity Haven are quick to go. The odd member is allowed to remain and if things get too weird we have a private forum ...

6 years ago
RE: Running Up the Threshold - FB Ads etc.

You could truly get into financial trouble if you get into the next threshold that you can't afford. I would be setting a personal limit and not go ov...

6 years ago
RE: User donations

We rely on Supporting Members to help maintain the Christian forum that I'm an Admin at and I've also given money to the site owner in small amounts a...

6 years ago
RE: What promotion methods did not worked out for you?

I am an Admin on a Christian forum and I went through my denomination's website and retrieved email listings for churches throughout the United States...

6 years ago
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